Synergy Partners has successfully serviced leading Wall Street and Fortune 500 clients for over two decades.


Our Financial Division has successfully completed assignments in finance, sales & trading, middle office, operations, treasury and controller’s areas. We are positioned to effectively complete assignments from the entry level to senior management.


Our process and approach to identify and attract qualified candidates is based upon a proven sequence of steps. These steps include, but are not limited to:



- Further discussions with you and any other relevant personnel who would be integral to the selection process. These discussions will help to clarify all position requirements, responsibilities, expectations, challenges, opportunities, and the environment in which the candidate will function.

- Identification of prospective candidates through empirical research and extensive utilization of our data base to contact knowledgeable individuals who, by reason of their positions, could assist us in identifying other candidates.

- Prospective candidates who appear to offer the best solution to your needs would be interviewed in depth and thoroughly referenced checked. We interview all potential candidates before representing them to our clients, and only make referrals appropriate to both parties.


708 Third Avenue - 23rd Fl.

New York, NY   10017

Phone: 212-922-2800


Client Services

Candidate Services